Become a Boss Writer: Join the Lean Business Plan Writing Workshop Waitlist!

Dreaming of ditching the 9-to-5 and becoming your own boss?

But feeling a little lost on how to turn that dream into a reality?

Girl, I got you!

I'm hosting a Lean Business Plan Writing Workshop Weekend Intensive that’s gonna be your one-stop shop for turning your entrepreneurial vision into a rock-solid business plan.

And the best part?

You can totally do this while still crushing it at your current job.

Join our waitlist and you’ll get all the VIP treatment:

  • Be the first to know: We’ll shoot you an email the second registration opens, so you can snag your spot before everyone else.

  • Early bird specials: We’ve got some sweet discounts and bonuses just for waitlist members. Think of it as your reward for being awesome and proactive!

  • Get a head start: We’ll send you some killer resources to get your creative juices flowing before the workshop even starts.

Don’t wait any longer, girl! This is your chance to make that dream business a reality.

Enter your email address below to grab your spot on the waitlist and unlock your early bird goodies:

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.